Monday, May 21, 2012

Three Little Monkeys

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed.
One fell off and broke his arm.
Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,
"Jumping on the bed will bring you harm!"


Mike said...

Aww, poor Peter. Hope you get feeling better soon. Love, Grandpa Mike

Steve Barnhart said...

Peter has been a champ through the process. He seems to be feeling fine and hasn't needed anything more than Tylenol since he broke his arm. He should only need the cast for a few more weeks.

A few notes to clarify:

The break is what they called a buckle fracture and was very clean, but it did fracture both the radius and the ulna approximately where the scratch in the x-ray indicates.

We actually didn't know his arm was broken until the next day.

Peter broke his arm when he fell off the bed. Some combination of Peter, Ella, and Elisabeth where wrestling on the bed at the time.

Elisabeth "was there but didn't see what happened"

Ella "saw him falling and tried to catch him"

Peter doesn't know what happened, but early reports indicated that he may have been kicked off the bed.

The kids didn't know why I was taking these pictures but I think their expressions are telling.

The kids' friend, Cameron, is excited that Peter has a cast since he has had broken arms the past couple years.

Rachel narrowly convinced Peter to go with a blue cast and not a hot-pink one because "Cameron would like it".

Mom said...

I would agree that the facial expressions are quite telling...consistent with the girls' comments, and little Peter doesn't look too happy that he was the one it happened to! Glad to hear he's doing well, and that he doesn't have to be in the cast real long.

Janell said...

Poor Peter! I must say that this is the most amusing recollection of a broken arm incident I've ever read. And Elisabeth's expression in that second picture is quite possibly the most excited I've ever seen her....not sure what that means exactly.

Ben said...

Wow! Was just wondering how you guys were doing. Didn't imagine broken arms and monkeys were in the mix

Love the pictures, and the dramatic retelling. Steve, you've got a future in obfuscation.

Mom said...

obfuscate: "To alter code while preserving its behavior but conceal its structure and intent." :)

Ben said...

I like that definition, Mom! That's right on the money.

Lisa said...

Poor Peter! Elisabeth looks like she is trying very hard to look innocent