Saturday, November 30, 2019

Snurfing Season is Here

It’s that time of year when Barnharts all around the world get out sleds and wax their sno-tubes. And yes - Surfboards!  All four of the boys got a chance to see what it was like for Grandpa back in his days of youthful bliss.  Maybe this is the year that we’ll make up some new boards after the original pattern to carry the sport on to the next generation.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Boundary Waters camping trip

We started the trip Friday evening with a light rain, the wind in our face, and just 1 hour of daylight to paddle across 3 lakes and portage our gear across 2 short trails to read our campsite. Not an auspicious beginning, but we didn't let that slow us down.
No Barnhart camping trip would be complete without large fires to relax around. This is a campsite on Gaskin Lake, which is where we spent most of the camping trip.

And the sun did manage to poke through the clouds at some point.
We made a day trip over to Winchell Lake (the next lake over from Gaskin) and found a small creek on a hillside. Climbing up the creek was a little tricky, but we forged a path through the undergrowth...

...and found great rewards in the form of beautiful wigs.

Here Daniel models the latest fashion in men's hair products.

Some rainy days at camp, but fortunately we had a rain tarp to cover our spacious living room.

After the rain comes the beautiful sunsets...

...and the silly faces.

Our last morning in camp was a perfectly sunny day, with mist rising off the water.

David and I spent a lot of time capturing ripples on the still water.

The final picture as we complete our trip. Looking forward to showers, sleeping in comfortable beds, and getting back to our loved ones.