Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Janell the Driver

20 years ago? 2 days ago? Who can tell? Janell's carefree, happy-go-lucky disposition behind the wheel is one of life's timeless constants.


  1. Looks like it would be good training for an accident free driver, too bad it didn't work.
    Maybe if they had put cell phones with the steering wheels, it would have been a better start for young lady drivers.

  2. It looks like those two passengers in the back are looking for some way out of that death trap.

  3. Hold on a second. I don't think she was really "driving" because that isn't a real road. In fact, I think that's a ride at Deer Park Funland. And it isn't even a car, it's a boat. I hope she had her boater's safety certificate. And where are the life jackets?

  4. This is not Lake Superior Steve, this was only the back waters of Lake Michigan. Not the Lake that never gives up it's dead when the winds of November blow early.
