Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Were you aware that Daniel's birhday is only two days away? Were you also aware that our youngest brother is a cherub? We've been mistreating this heavenly being his whole life. He wasn't really naughty when he was little, he was just trying to be Jesus's Little Lamb. Therefore, to make up fo this horrible misunderstanding, I feel this should be the best birthday ever. Give him everything you've got. Don't hold back when it comes to expense. In fact, one of Daniel's birthday requests was to have someone donate money to a worthy cause.

I don't think any further words are needed.


  1. Below is a list of things Daniel wants for his birthday

    Chronicles of Narnia Soundtrack

    Star Wars Soundtracks

    Gift Card for Itunes

    Money for Charities

    Dad finishing the mini bike with me

    A sword

    An xbox or PS2

    A suit of armour(knight’s)

    Money for clothes

  2. PS if you are wondering what's wrong with Lisa, she is just missing her tonsils. The mean Doctor took them away

  3. I already got the Star Wars covered
