Friday, June 15, 2007

Case Dismissed

My lawyers have advised me to drop the case of Barnhart and Barnhart vs. Barnhart. This was the case of the defective car sold by one Mr Ben Barnhart of Minnesota to Mr David Barnhart of Michigan, who was joined in the lawsuit by Mr Mike Barnhart (me), also of Michigan, who had an interest in the case because he was involved in repairing the defective car.

According to my lawyers, an out of court settlement was reached that I have been assured will provide well for David and I for many years to come. The only concern my lawyers have is whether or not the payer of the check, Milkweed Editions has sufficient funds in their account to cover the large amount.

I was looking forward to the spectacle of seeing my lawyers crush Ben's lawyer's in the courtroom, however in the spirit of family unity, I will fore go that pleasure to remain on speaking terms with Ben. So Ben, you're off the hook now. I hope Milkweed doesn't mind if you sign their checks.


  1. oh you're so considerate dad

  2. after everyone has read this post, i would like to direct their attention to my blog, which is listed in the links

  3. My client is pleased to see the cause of justice served in the settlement of Barnhart and Barnhart v. Barnhart. Furthermore, he is happy to put the torturous events of the past few days behind him and return to a spirit of unity and car-dealing that once defined the Barnhart family. It is in that spirit of unity that my client invites the plaintiff to receive the settlement check in the back alley behind the Chicken Coop at 1:35 in the morning of Tuesday, June 19th. Accompaniment by protective parties will be seen as an insult to my client's character and will result in a reversal of the settlement decision.

  4. No Deal! No Deal! none of this back alley stuff for me. We meet on the front steps of the Courthouse in broad daylight or the deal is off.

  5. Sounds like a bit of blackmail going on here, Ben. Your father never really came clean about Rebecca, and seems to be endeavoring to distract his readers with this falacious car case! And to think, tomorrow is Father's Day!

  6. We at have reviewed this blog and find the father to be right over 100% of the time. He should enjoy Father's Day to the fullest. We just hope his kids remember to come through him like he always came through for them.

  7. dad, i'm starting to question your sanity
