Sunday, December 27, 2009


Twas the night after Christmas,
No mice, no not nary,

And a good night to play
Telephone Pictionary!

We phrased, and drew, and laughed
quite a bit,

Til Sherlock claimed some, leaving the
rest of us to just sit.

Twas a lovely evening on London St.,
With food, and drink, and game,

But then, alas, the hour grew late,
And the rest went home, just the same.

Straight to bed, the Mommy went,
For tired and weary was she,

"I'll tidy the rest of this in the morn,
before off to work I be."

Picking up, here and there,
Putting things away,

The drawings lay there in a pile,
And I thought I heard them say,

"One of us is missing!" So I counted
to see if true,

And sure enough, one was gone,
And it's got me wondering who?

Who confiscated a page of drawings,
And what might your plan be?

Methinks we ought to watch the Blog,
To see what we might again see!


  1. Methinks this is a case for Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Or whomever might be in possession of the powerful forces of the Fart-Finder.

  2. This case started out small but it's "growing" into something much bigger!

  3. UPDATE: mom was moved a chair to sit in last before we watched a movie and the missing paper had fallen behind it.......


  4. Daniel, I was hoping you might have just one more question... "Sure, sure, but I have one more question for you. Why were you moving the chair that you'd been perfectly happy to sit in just the night before? That's the part that doesn't make sense to me."

    You've got to think like Columbo here.
