Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Jeep is down for the count!

A broken piston has the Jeep down for the count.  I'm trying to throw a bucket of ice water in it's face and put it back in the ring but I just don't know if it's gonna make it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow, you really tore that thing apart. Neat to see pictures of it!

    Are you sure there isn't just some screw you can loosen up to take that piston out?

  3. couldn't find that magic screw that took out the piston so I just tore it all apart to find the piston. Much more fun that way.

  4. I got talked into all six new pistons by the engine machine shop guy. Not that much more money and he said it is pretty likely the others would crack soon also. Get the parts Wednesday after work, pretty exited to see if it runs ok when done.
