Saturday, November 30, 2019

Snurfing Season is Here

It’s that time of year when Barnharts all around the world get out sleds and wax their sno-tubes. And yes - Surfboards!  All four of the boys got a chance to see what it was like for Grandpa back in his days of youthful bliss.  Maybe this is the year that we’ll make up some new boards after the original pattern to carry the sport on to the next generation.


  1. That's really fun. Looks like the boys are enjoying it. I'm looking at this with dad next to me because he hasn't had internet for a week, but I'm looking at it with my cell phone as an internet hotspot. Dad says he wants to see someone do a jump.

  2. That's fun to see that old snerf board being used. If they are like me they probably fell a lot
