Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ghoulish Lisa!

'Twas Tuesday night, before Halloween,
And Lisa was nowhere to be seen!

'Tis concert night at R.P. High;
Who’s to play the piano, asked I?

Why, all I see is a skeleton ghoul,
With painted face and a cute tutu!

What’s that? The ghoul at the piano, I see!
What has he done with my Lisa Marie?

But lo, it’s Lisa, dressed up as a ghoul;
Accompanying the choir, all dressed up too!

Of course, this was the way to be seen,
On this Tuesday night, before Halloween!


Dan said...

Woah! Pretty spooky! Nice job on the costume Lisa, and nice poem mom!

Janell said...

Proving that not being at the high school but not ~IN~ high school is infinitely cooler than just being in high school.

Nicely done Lisa (and mom)! The kids already suggest going to your house on a regular basis Lisa - this will only increase that by about 225%.

Lisa said...

I don't know Janell, I was PRET-TY cool in high school too...
Excellent poem, Mom. We really need to figure out how you can make money off your literary talents

Ben said...

Lisa! That costume is great! Olivia thought it looked a bit Day of the Dead (Dia de los muertos). Is that true? Whatever it is, you look like a very scary skellington.

Mom, I think we should get you a job writing messages for Jacquie Lawson eCards.

Mike said...

Whew that was a close one Lisa, good thing you used white face paint instead of black face paint otherwise you might have to quit your morning show. Not that you wouldn't deserve being fired for doing that. (That was my PC disclaimer)