Monday, July 31, 2006


hi everyone. i don't really have anything to say, but i was tired of no one posting anything, so i thought i'd share with all of you how hot it is here. it's hot, for lack of a better descripton. Karl's at band camp this week, so his family invited me to come spend the night at their house seeing as they have extra rooms and air conditioning.

I go back to school in a couple of weeks. just to let you know in case any of you were wondering.

my car has been invaded by a ghost. today as i was driving to work the locks kept relocking over and over again. and then as i was driving home from work, as the locks were locking, the dome light started turning on and off. so, it's either a ghost, or the result of my car being rained on the other day. i prefer to think it's the ghost of some nerd who always got locked in the car as a joke.

it's so humid, i think if i went swimming i would feel drier than i feel sitting here in the kitchen.

ok, now i really have nothing left to say. leave comments saying how hot and humid it was where you live today. whoever was the hottest gets a prize!!!


  1. I would really like to leave a hotter-than-blazes comment, but unfortunately I had to work in the air conditioning all day, and then I came home and sat on the couch, sipping lemonade, in my cool-as-a-cucumber house. Sorry Lisa. : )

  2. I too would like to enter this contest, but unfortunately, most of the time, during which it was so hot, I was donning the ever-present Mom sweater in the frigid air-conditioning of Hackley Hospital, and now that we have Elsie home, the weather has changed, and is quite comfortable. Very sorry I could not empathize with you, Lisa. And what a bummer that I'm going to miss out on that prize! Maybe we should have "traded spaces" for a couple of those nights!

  3. well don't i feel so sorry for you guys...having to stay in the air-conditioning that whole time.

  4. I know the name of the Ghost who invaded Lisa's car, his name is "Mr. I forgot to put my windows up and the rain poured into my car and flooded the door lock switch" He is not a very bright Ghost, and left shortly after the car dried out.

  5. PS this is off the subject, but Lisa has had 3 haircuts in 3 days, mske that 4 if you count her self inflicted haircut too. I think she wants to be bald, but can't bring herself to have it done all at once.

  6. Back to the hot issue, the air conditioner shut down in the phone room at Orchard View school the other day. It was so hot that when I logged on to the phone system to check something, the system asked me for a drink of water.
