Thursday, January 26, 2012

Doggie Dentals

Twila has been complaining to Nikki about her bad breath, apparently, because I walked downstairs this evening to find Nikki sitting next to her dog bed, brushing her teeth.

She was careful to get back behind some of the hard-to-reach spots.

I believe the dark evenings have thrown off their internal clocks and Nikki thought that it must be time to get ready to go down and get in their cage.


  1. I hate it when Nikki borrows my toothbrush! It smells like dog food for weeks afterword.

  2. Bleh...

    But could you have them teach Ozzie next time we visit? He smells like he brushes his teeth with a dead fish most of the time. I almost just convinced myself to get rid of him by writing that.

  3. Just because you don't like fish doesn't mean everyone or everydog doesn't like the smell of fish too. You need more tolerance Janell.

  4. She must have eaten a particularly rotten rabbit whose smell offended even her. Glad to see our dogs acting a little classier

  5. Hmm, maybe Nikki was getting ready for a doggie date.

  6. Must be she was making up for not taking care of her teeth better, in preparation for a dental exam, and she was hoping for a perfect checkup, and pizza for supper!
