Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Mystery Room

With all my free time these days, I'm doing a little excavating in the house and turning up some interesting wallpaper. As Mom might say, "You get three guesses which room this is, and the first two don't count."


  1. The kitchen - and judging by the print, I'd say it's about as old as you.

  2. a secret room from the decorating prohibition days where wayward interior decorators could put up illegally ugly wallpaper?

  3. Steve and Lisa win! And, yes, Lisa, I've called in the Interior Decorating Crimes Cold Case Unit and they're going to find the evil villains who did this.

  4. is this the old one butt kitchen?

  5. How can you call that wall paper ugly?! How does that wall paper not inspire you to make tasty dinners? Dinners which apparently involve a sauce pan, mushrooms, egg beater, peaches and a bottle of wine?

  6. That paper doesn't look so bad to me. Kind of reminds me of Grandma Barnhart. I could see her liking it...back in the 60's. Those are 60's colors! Seems like those were the colors in the kitchen on Giles...before the exquisite paint job:)
