UPDATE: Daniel would also like to add to his Christmas list Simcity 4 by Aspyr, it can be found on Mac.com and it comes in a deluxe package, and also he would like a digital watch. He likes casio.
As much as I hate using the internet(I try to avoid chatting online with friends, sending emails, and using myspace as little as possible) I have valiantly ventured online to The Barnhart Hub to post my Christmas list, and provide helpful ideas for Christmas gift giving reconstruction(CGGR).
To start us out, I suggest we sack the whole "get gifts for your brothers and sisters" idea. I'll admit, in the past it has at times been fun and merry, but we all know what were going to get since we were forced to tell the person since nobody makes Christmas lists(I am stepping up to break this tradition) and also I think Christmas day would be both surprising and much more "exciting" if we all bought what we wanted for Christmas, and then put them under the Christmas tree in identical boxes. This way you have a 1/8 chance of getting what you want for Christmas, rather that getting exactly what you want for Christmas(more "exciting" eh?). I for one, would rather get a James Bond 1995 Goldeneye McDonald's action figure rather than getting $100 for clothes. I mean, which will you truly remember when you're 50?
At any rate, now that you all know how Christmas gift giving should work, I'll tell you possible ideas for me to buy myself for Christmas, just any of you want to buy them and donate them to me to give to myself, although you have a 1/8 chance of getting the gift yourself(theres that "excitement" again) as described in the above paragraph.
The List
Ipod Earphones
Itunes gift card
Macbook laptop(for you big money makers with so little to spend it on)
Guitar Hero 3
Star Wars Battlefront for Wii
100 Dollars for clothes
James Bond 1995 Goldeneye McDonald's action figure
Well, I can't think of much more. Send me an email with an attatched PDF of your reciept when you've bought my donated gift, and I'll send in your tax deductable request to the IRA.