Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Cyclery of Bikes

Well everyone, I'd like to thank you for your contributions (or aspirations to contribute) to a new bike for me. My current one is on its last spokes. I bought it for $40 a couple summers ago, and I estimate that I've ridden between 1000 and 1500 miles on it now. At four cents a mile, I think that's about as cheap as transportation comes. With your generous gifts, rest assured that my next bike will be obscenely expensive and nowhere near the cents-per-mile ratio of my last.

I don't have the new bike yet, though I would have loved to post a picture. Being a shrewd blogger, I know that photo posts attract the most readers. Here then are two bike-related pictures that I've been meaning to post. The first is from 1992. The second, 2007. Fifteen years and the bike has come full circle again. Lest Ben think it was abused during the years outside his care, I'd like to remind him that the bike received a comprehensive tune-up around the Christmas of 2002.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The view from my window

For anyone I didn't talk to before I left (almost everyone) I am in the Bahamas with Casi and several of her friends and family. She decided to have her next birthday in the Bahamas (her 30th) so we all got cheap tickets and rented a big house to stay in. 

Here's the view from my window:

So far everything has been good - although we went through most of yesterday without any water...which meant no toilets.  Apparently it was an island-wide problem.  Now that the water is back on, I've been going as often as possible to ensure that I will have just gone if the water goes out again. That's what I call smart.

Friday, May 15, 2009

David gets a new birthday picture

Last weekend, David and Amber made their way out to Aurora in search of thrift stores, perhaps a little food, and a scrabble throw-down.

They were successful on the first two counts, but as the last picture will show, scrabble was a lot more fun for Andy than anyone else. Fortunately, as a consolation we had a cake decorated with David's two favorite pastimes: Nascar and beer. Very small beer.

Happy Birthday David!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Better late than never?

I feel sheepish even writing this because I don't have a catchy poem like Mom always creates and there is only one hour left of David's birthday. However, I happen to really like the tradition of making birthday blog posts, so despite my poor blogging skills, here it is. Happy birthday David!