Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Darlings

Greetings, fellow Barnharts, from the land of Easter snow. We pray that you each enjoyed a blessed Resurrection Day celebrating the resurrection of our Saviour! In honor of the festivities, the girls got new or "new/old" dresses to wear to church. And they looked absolutely darling. So we're posting a photo for you to see them too. Please note, Ella's special doll "Jenny" got a new dress, too, and so got to go to church with us this morning.Here are a couple of "random" photos of the girls. Ella and Elisabeth both like to help with laundry, and to watch the clothes go 'round in the washing machine. Here they are "helping" out mom.
Ella is a great big sister, and she likes to play with Elisabeth. She's helping Elisabeth "drive" the car around the living room, and doing a great job of it! We start them young.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Noisy Pets

As I was working at my kitchen table today, I kept hearing tiny little smacking noises coming from the direction of the hamster cages. A little surprising, since they're usually asleep all day. Not quite. Chief must have decided to get up for a little midnight snack (err...midnight for him). He dug up one of the almonds he's been hording and sleepily sat there chowing down. He really is lazy - didn't even bother to get up from the little nest that he's made into his bed.

Thursday, March 06, 2008