Sunday, January 23, 2022

Clinical Psychology Internship Program 2020-2021 Graduation Photos

In late October 2021, I graduated from the Clinical Psychology Internship Program at Tripler Army Medical Center. Finishing up internship is a big step for someone in Carson and I's position, because it means we have finally satisfied all the requirements for our doctoral degrees. No more papers, exams, presentations, or forms to fill out. (Unfortunately I still need to pass the national licensure exam in order to be a licensed clinical psychologist, which is what I'm working on currently). However, I think its still important to celebrate these major milestones! 


It took me a couple months, but I've finally gotten around to posting photos from my graduation back in October. There's also a really cool video of the graduation ceremony, but I have not figured out how to transfer it from my government network to be able to post it. 

Love you all. Thanks for your support over the years. You'll notice I'm wearing a modified version of my dress uniform, which is authorized for wear in Hawai'i due to the tropical and warm climate. Thank you all again for the uniform - it is very much appreciated.

