Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Bad Boys

I'm back from South Africa, and it seems that Barnhart Central went on hiatus while I was away. Or maybe everyone was just too busy adding their comments to my blog posts over at Bonavox. Can't blame you for that, I guess.

I've posted a lot of trip pictures on my blog, but I wanted to share one special picture with all of you. It seems as if David had a prescient vision of Cape Town in his younger days, as you can see below. Everywhere we went, we saw trucks filled with Bad Boys, though I was unable to confirm whether they were in fact drinking and if large rocks were strategically placed before their vehicles. Fortunately for all the Bad Boys I saw, none seemed to come to a tragic end during my time of witness.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

A blog is born

Most of you know that I'm heading to South Africa for a couple weeks, visiting Matt and Leah and my friends Loren and Kelly (who are visiting at the same time). If you didn't know before, well, now you do.

All of this imminent travel has me thinking that I'd like to keep track of my travels and share that with as many of you as are interested (or as many of you who are having trouble sleeping at night). As frequently as possible, I'll be showing photos and stories at my new blog, Bonavox. I hope you enjoy following along.
