Sunday, September 06, 2020

A Summer of Military Training in Pictures

 Pre-Departure: A Wonderful Send-Off Party

Fort Sill, Oklahoma: The Forsaken Land

I ate more MREs this summer than I can even count, and more meaningfully care to remember.

Loved the mail I got! Thank you all!

Had a few days to get out and visit a museum after our course finished in Oklahoma.

The direct commission clinical psychology interns.

Fort Sam Houston, Texas: Still Hot, Still Forsaken

Great to catch up with family.

Thanks Janell!

Was doing quite a bit of walking for awhile to try to help my cardiovascular endurance.

Loved catching up with family.

Getting packed and prepared to go into the field for eight days.

Met a fellow Wheaton Football player, Jack Bates class of 2019, out in the field. We slept next to each other in our cots. He is a great guy and has become my friend!

I am pretty proud of this. After training all summer to run fast enough to past our physical fitness test, I ran two miles in 14 minutes, 58 seconds.

Finally, at the end of 2 and a half month of being here, I figured out where to get meat and where I could grill it at the hotel.

Baked pocket potato!