Monday, January 27, 2014

Pictures that time forgot, but luckily I didn't

All these pictures were originally part of the "Super-Secret-Super-Fast-Get-It-Done-Blog", and I decided that although none of them were used, they were simply too good to pass up. So Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and enjoy these timeless photos of the people that allowed us to be here today. 

I promise, it's only sparkling juice. This is how I spent Christmas, however. 

This is from that one time a bird landed in Mom's hair. Not much more to it than that, actually. 

For all the photos that follow, nobody really knows what was going on here. Not even Dad himself. 

Fletcher! How'd you get in here??!

Who is this man?!

For at least a day, Mom was thinking about auditioning for the next Star Wars movie. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Goodbye Christmas tree and living room table

Who knows what the fire will want next?  Do not allow young children to view this post.