The daily barrage of bad news from around the world can be pretty depressing, economic instability, wars, murders, revolutions, earthquakes, hurricanes, and the endless chatter of politicians seeking office who criticize those who already hold offices in government. Then on top of that are the personal conflicts and disappointments that seem to follow us around where ever we go. All of that and more has to be put on hold for at least one day of the year when we stop and say in spite of all that is bad, I am thankful for what I have in my life both good and bad. We of course only want good, but have to acknowledge that the bad either makes us stronger or makes us rely more on God or helps us sympathize with others who are having the same problems, or perhaps is for no other reason than to show grace under distress to those watching us.
This Thanksgiving Day we need to look for the secret code words hidden in our feast that represent our thankfulness. It starts out easy- Turkey being the obvious one- I'm Thankful as I eat my turkey. Then please pass the Green Bean Cassarole because I have Generally Been Content with my life this year. I think I'll have some Mashed Potatoes as my Mind Ponders all that I have been blessed with. And of course a Piece of Pie only remind me of my Peace about my Place in this world.
So wither you are being Thankful for Turkey today or your Tuna Fish sandwich is making it Tough to Find your blessings, if you are a Barnhart reading this blog, I think you will be able to come up with something to be thankful for. Oh- and may I have another helping of Brussel Sprout Cassarole? because we Barnharts are Simply Content people today.
Anything and everything Barnhart. If you're a Barnhart, know a Barnhart, knew a Barnhart, heard of a Barnhart, married a Barnhart, or smelt a Barnhart this is the place for you.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Fresh Faces
The kiddos have been growing like crazy up here...I'm guessing it's all the tasty produce from our abundant garden harvest this fall. They're learning, growing, helping, and working, besides the obligatory playing, every day.
Ella's in 1st grade this year, minus 2 front teeth (working on a third), and has recently gotten glasses (which she doesn't always wear in her pictures). She's reading copious amounts of books - whatever she can find and way above her grade level. It's nice to hand her a book and say: "Read this to your sister/brother, please!"
Elisabeth is doing pre-school stuff as Ella's been working, and she's easily at kindergarten level in her knowledge base...she still has all of her teeth, and is eagerly awaiting the day when she will be able to get glasses (like big sis).
Peter is stretching out...he's grown quite a bit taller, and thinned out a lot (but still weighs in at a hearty 35 pounds). His languages skills are dramatically improving (full and complete sentences, with some good verb conjugations) - and he's even begun actually speaking on the telephone.
And Andrew....hmmmm.....what do we say about a 3 month old who mostly eats and sleeps (and needs diaper changes). He does LOTS of the eating (he's nearing 20 pounds, by my best guess) and sleeping (last night he did 9.5 consecutive hours!). He smiles, coos, gurgles, holds onto things that get near his hands, and LOVES to be held (by mom/dad/Ella/Elisabeth/Peter). He's been a fabulous addition to our growing family.
So, here's the requested, much looked-for photo of the Hancock Barnhart crew. Enjoy!
So, here's the requested, much looked-for photo of the Hancock Barnhart crew. Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 09, 2011
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