Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Birthday Surprise!

Happy Birthday, Ben!

"Hey guys, look what was in this funny shaped present!"

Thanks to Mom for passing along these great photos of Ben and his innocent brother.

Big Bro'

Game Time (Maybe a fit of FTS)

Ben and Steve with Grandpa LeRoy Barnhart.  I guess Ben's always liked books.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Hoping you all have a merry Christmas, from the Hancock Barnharts!

The kids would like to share a krumkake with you.  And here are some winter photos for those who find themselves snow-challenged today.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

I knew this instinctively!!

Warning: the universe could be about ready to collapse on us

At some point, a radical shift in the forces of the universe will cause every tiny particle in it to become very heavy.

The above headline just confirmed my suspicions that I had earlier this week.  I was contemplating weight gain in mature adults and mine in particular.  I came to me like a page out of a science text book.  I have not really gained weight, but my cells are becoming denser with age due to gravity.  I was theorizing that when a person is new and still in young adulthood, their bodies cells are new and less dense causing them to weigh less.  But as gravity works it's pull on cells they compress over time and become denser causing older people to be heavier.  The denser cells are slightly smaller and so a person's body grows more cells to fill up the extra space caused by the compressed cells.  So denser cells and more cells equals more weight.

The take away from this new information is that weighing more is not my fault.  I am just a product of my environment and cookies and cheeseburgers are irrelevant when it comes to my weight.

It is somewhat disheartening to resign myself to this condition, but who can fight science?

-by the way, I didn't read the article that followed the above copied headline, but I am sure it supports my findings.