Greetings, fellow Barnharts and Barnhart-types (Janell & Andy). Just a quick post to once again inform you all that the photosite has been updated. That's right, there are new adorable photos of everyone's favorite niece/grandchild (the only one, that is!) posted for your browsing. I am hoping to not get stuck in a "post new photos once every 3-4 months" rut, but things have been pretty crazy here in our household for the past few months with traveling, working on house projects, and mom passing away (I've written about 130 thank-you notes...and that takes an awful lot of time!). Anyways, just wanted you all to know. We'll post again.
What a precious little girl! Reminds me very much of a couple of aunts of hers, who were chubby and darling, when they were her age! I really do see some resemblence. Thank you for posting.
Cute picture, but I am wondering why is Ella dragging Steve out into the water? Is she stronger than him already?
What?! I was never chubby!
Ok, just kidding. Great picture! Thanks for the new ones; I can never get enough. : )
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