Steve and I agreed to post our Christmas trees, since we won't get to see each other's tree. We really went big this year, and I must say, Lisa did a yoman's job decorating it. I also need to thank many other people for help with the tree this year.
First, I want to thank the State of Washington for donating their premier tree from this season's best.
Thank you to all the birds who willingly gave up thier nests, inculding 11 spotted owls.
Thank you ConRail for donating 3 flat cars and delivering the tree on time and free.
Thank you Bonners for donating all the decorations, we cleaned out the entire 2nd floor of their warehouse of stock.
Thank you Consumers Energy for adding a temporary substation for handling the extra pewer load from the lights, and also for firing up the mothballed Michigan City IN power plant to keep the grid up when we throw the switch for the lights. We hope the coal dust isn't a problem for Northern IN, but, we all make sacrifices right?
Thank you Muskegon County Road Commission for adding two new lanes to Giles Rd to handle the extra traffic.
Thank you Muskegon County Sheriff's Office for the traffic and crowd control.
Thank you Acme Lift for donating the man lift needed to string the lights and hang the ornaments. We just don't have any 50 foot step ladders here!
Thank you to all the thousands upon thousands of spectators that came to oooh and aaahh the tree every night.
And last but not least, thank you Santa, for designating our tree, as "Official Christmas Tree of the North Pole"
So Steve, when are you going to post your tree?
Wow! very impressive Mike, I can't wait to see if Steve can top this!
Well now Anonymous, let's not put too much pressure on Stevie, he is just a young sappling when it comes to Christmas trees. Us old Sequoia's have been doing this for a long time. But who knows, he is college educated, that should count for something.
Well I'd just like an explanation of what a "pewer load" is, exactly.
I'm not sure if I can top the tree personally, but I would like to point out that our state tree in Lansing came from Hancock this year. It had previously been growing idly in someone's yard. We have tons of these perfect trees around here - can hardly get rid of them. Still, the state capital made a big hoopla about the whole thing and sent up a big flatbed truck with a crane. The funny thing is, I cut up a much nicer tree for firewood just the week before. Of course, trees from Washington State are inferior as all Michiganders know. But I do applaud you for getting so many people to pose for the picture, looking interested at that tree. You must have paid them handsomely.
OK, so there was a little typo in the report, I meant "power load". And as for the so called paid spectators, guess again, these fools paid 5 bucks each to be allowed inside the wrought iron fence that protects the tree from the masses. HO! HO! HO! Santa and I have an appointment at my bank for a huge deposit in my savings account!
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