Hell's hottest fires are being reserved for Weather Forecastors and Lawyers. This statement is prompted by yet another cancellation of an event because of standard winter weather. We have had such mild winters lately that when it does actually snow or get cold or the wind actually blows (like it always used to in winters past), the weather forecastors are practically wetting their pants while they shout out the warnings of death to everyone who is foolish enough to listen to them. This is the first punch of a one-two knockout punch for any winter time event that happens to fall on a day when snow also falls. The second punch comes from the lawyers, they are the insidious ones, not saying anything, but quietly waiting, anxious to rush into any calamity and pronounce condemnation and point out the utter irresponsibility of anyone who would dare not cancel an event on account of a weather forecast. You can just imagine them in court, villifing for example a middle school principal who failed to cancel an event, daring to use his own judgement, when some type of accident happened associated with that event, we all know who's judgement would be called reckless and irresponsible and liable for all damages whether it is reasonable or not. Event organizers know the lawyers are always there, and to prevent being dragged into court and sued to oblivion, they take the safe path and just cancel events at the slightest sign of inclemite weather. We are raising a generation of wimps and sissies. Why, if God didn't want us to go out and challenge the storms, he wouldn't have created monster trucks and put an SUV in almost every driveway. Worried about 40 car pileups? Humbug! most of these SUV's could make a new road around the accident without even staining a hubcap. I say, we have what it takes to shake our fist at the storm and come back laughing, so lets do it! And let the Weather Forecastors and Lawyers slither back under their rocks.