In an attempt to draw the attention back to where it belongs, I will be issuing a prize to the first person who leaves a comment.
And now, a visual representation of the activities of the Barnhart household members. You get to decide who is who.

Anything and everything Barnhart. If you're a Barnhart, know a Barnhart, knew a Barnhart, heard of a Barnhart, married a Barnhart, or smelt a Barnhart this is the place for you.
huh. looks like I'm going to get a nice surpirse.
just kidding. you guys are all still eligible
Oh boy! I win! I get a round trip to Pheonix! I will be leaving on the 10th returning on the 14th. Thanks Lisa.
By the way, with the ecomomy being sluggish, and the stock market failing last week, we are probably all noticing "dis"interest on our portflios.
No fair! Daniel is in every picture!
And by the way, although some members choose to get on here and post tales (or pictures) of fire and brimstone, I feel like my recent post (Hamsterland) was a far cry from "disinterest".
I was quite amused by the amazingly realistic photos you posted, Lisa. I was going to post a blog, myself, but was completely unable to do so because it upgraded my account to the google log-in, and it wouldn't let me do anything on the BarnhartCentral site. It was incredibly frustrating (I haven't tried to do it today). But, needless to say, most people read the comments, and can read this to find out that we've put a few new picturs on our photosite (I'm hoping to put a few more on in the relatively near future). Sorry that my comment wasn't really directly related to your post.
hey, that happened to me too! (the part about upgrading and then not being able to post) however, I just waited a couple days and now it works :)
and YAY for new pictures! they're so cute!!
For the benefit of those not in the know, I will do my best to identify these felons, er fellows.
Boy with Hamster - This is clearly David, even though I think the picture shows a guinea pig and not a hamster. You can identify David by the expression of sheer pleasure at owning a hamster and harnessing its power in some money-making scheme.
iStockphoto Man on Floor - Undoubtedly Dad taking a nap on the cool, hard kitchen floor (after doing dishes for three hours and spending another hour convincing his kids to carry the trash to the dumpster). This is Dad in his earlier days as evidenced by the beard and the hardwood parquetry. The photo was taken just before he started working for Tony Grummit, as is clear by his "mashed potatoe" arms.
Boy at iBook - Of course this is Daniel watching his first Homestar Runner cartoon. If you switched the iBook for an Epson Equity I, this could be Ben writing his first GWBasic program.
Man with Too Many Instruments - By the looks of it, this is actually David, though Ben and Steve also were known to play the trumpet. Most of the younger Barnharts tried to master the accordion. Only Daniel ever challenged the trombone. To my knowledge, no Barnhart has ever dared sitting at drums so this photo may be a fake. Of course, that could be a Morg synth in disguise.
Raving Dog Behind Fence - This would be the neighbor dog, Abby except that it doesn't appear to be yapping. This is most likely one of the many "wolves" that prowled the neighborhood looking for young boys on their way to take out the garbage.
you almost got them all right! the one man band is supposed to be me. I know, I don't technically live here, and I'm not a man, and I don't play any of those instruments, but just work with me. the dog is supposed to represent our dogs here at home who have developed a fondness for peeing on the carpet
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