Anyway, I thought I'd let all the left hands know what the right hands were doing, so here is a little pictorial.

These aren't the exact flowers I received, but they are virtually identical to the bouquet that graced my office on my birthday. Thanks Lisa!

A perfect Janell-sized French Press (I meant portion size, not my actual dimensions)
What more could I ask for? Gourmet dark chocolate from the streets of Paris (imported by Ben), the breathy haunting voice of "A girl called Eddy" floating throughout the house (thoughtfully selected by David), all while I sip on my rich dark coffee, made in my new French Press (expertly chosen by the UP coffee aficionados).
As I'm sure you probably all, with the possible exceptions of Daniel and Rachel, recognize these from years past, I must explain that mom did not carry on the fine tradition of Daniel (and David?) and "give" me something I already owned. Rather, she gave me what I'm sure were several hours of tedious cleaning and repair in order to restore my dress-up favorites to their original glory.
I would like to christen this as the first "blank you" (a blog thank you), of which I hope to post many more. (See how I did that? It sounds like I'm so very thankful, but it actually just means I would have to receive many more gifts in the future to keep posting these. Pretty good eh?) Thank you all for your thoughtfulness.
*If your gift didn't appear somewhere in this post, please don't be embarrassed. Most likely, you are Dad, and I didn't give you a gift idea until several days after my birthday.
I could just call the whole gift thing off, you look like you got enough stuff already, huh? What does Andy think?
What delight, from you to we,
Givers of all the gifts we see!
Thank you for posting all the gifties;
Internet and Blogspot are ever so nifty!
Carefully crafted words of thanks,
Prove you're Barnhart, make no mistake!
"Blank you" for all the appreciation,
And sharing your birthday celebration.
Indeed you're gifted, 'tis quite true;
Without a doubt, your family loves you!
what's with the sudden burst of poetry?
I want to see some poetry more like Edgar Allan Poe's
"Quothe the Raven evermore"
Tis "Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore'" thou art speaking of.
Thou needst to get thine quotings right, of Edgar Allan Poe.
For those who would his quotes, misquote, treadest on thin ice,
And grace and mercy from Poe himself, may even not suffice!
Well, I imagined I was the writer in this family until Mom started breaking out the poetry comments. You've got a gift for rhyme, Mom. I guess I'll have to stick to lies, I mean, fiction.
And, Janell, maybe you should consider a career in product photography. I believe you acknowledged that the first picture isn't your own, but the rest of them are very nicely framed, I think. If you ever get tired of sticking your hands in the dirty, smelly mouths of strangers, you might want to consider a career in photography. Nice, clean, lucrative photography. It called the other day and wondered what was taking you so long.
No sweat, Ed and I are pals from Jr High when I used to read his stuff in Miss Witt's class. I'm sure he won't mind the change, in fact he may even like it better and put it as "evermore" in his next edition.
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