It's so cold here that our buildings are growing icicles just to stay warm.
Okay, so that's not really true. This is a bar/restaurant just around the corner from Milkweed, which caught fire and burned last Wednesday. The firefighters doused it with water, which then immediately froze because it was -5 that day.
Nobody was inside the building at the time, though I heard that one cat died. I've told the arson detectives to check in with suspects in Muskegon, Michigan – two naughty dogs named Nikki and Twila.
It's a shame they had to burn down a whole building just to get one cat- but I guess it was worth it.
i've got some cats that could stand to get "caught" in a burning building
mew...mew...mew...mew......we are God's little critters too!
Nikki and Twila have pooled their doggie bones and hired a good lawyer named Rolf Bowser. Rolf has released the following statement.
"I have spoken with Nikki and Twila and the charges brought against them are utterly false. Both dogs have a strong alibi. As a matter of fact they were attending a homeless cat benefit on the night of the alleged cat burning." "My clients have instructed me to fight extradition and I intend to do just that." "Woof!"
Does Daniel have an alibi??? The arson investigator would like to know...
Oh, yes! You can be sure Daniel was either doing some "farming" or spending the time with his friend Gomer! I'm sure he has an alibi!
What is this "farming", this "Gomer"? Am I so out of touch or does this call for an explanatory post?
Ben, this building reminds me of some of larger art installments that I've seen where an architectural structure will be wrapped with cloth or the like. It also reminds me of the work of a supervillain with ice powers, expecially because the building has a sort of gothic look to it.
Noelle would like to request a meowment of silence for the brave cat. Perhaps it was Pickles, the fire cat. We shall never know.
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