I seem to recall writing a similar post to this one a few weeks ago. I'm just curious if anyone has good pictures to share from this past weekend. In leu of the correct pictures, I will now endeavor to recreate the weekend using similar pictures.

The cookout to feed five-thousand, or at least Daniel, Karl, and Andy

Aurora has quite the fireworks show

A romp through the sprinkler for the kiddies

The perfect end to a busy day
Okay, okay, everybody. I know we discussed this already and agreed to keep Lisa from seeing any of the photos. But she seems so desperate to see them that I think it would be cruel to keep them from her. For what it's worth, I recast my vote in favor of letting Lisa see the pictures.
I can't believe you're giving in that easily. I'm going to hold out for a monetary bribe.
Come on!! Pretty please?!?!?!?!
These pictures seem perfectly fine to me.
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