This spring I decided to plant some cherry tomato seeds. A couple frosts later, I begrudgingly went to the store and just bought a nicely sized tomato plant. The store plant did well, living on my roof, and it gave me a couple tomatoes before dieing about a month ago. Meanwhile, a few of my seeds miraculously came up. I planted them in a tray and set it outside my window.

The seedlings didn't look too healthy, and I saw such little activity from them that I was preparing my books for another write-down. About a week ago, though, I noticed little tiny tomatoes. By this time, I had forgotten that I'd planted cherry tomato seeds. I was pleased to have some fruit, but not so thrilled about the size...especially when they obstinately refused to grow larger. I chalked it up to the small planter tray that didn't let the roots stretch out or something like that. Just a couple days ago, the dwarf tomatoes actually began turning color, and I finally ate a few. It was only then that I remembered that these were the descendants of my cherry tomato seeds and all was right with the world after all.

Very good, David! How appropro that you were preparing your books for another write-down, in light of the current economic condition of our financial institutions. Would that their dire status were as small as the cherry tomatoes you were blessed with, rather than the monstrous out-of-control situation that grew not so obstinately, but rather greedily. How enlightened you must have felt upon remembering the little guys were, indeed, the right size. Glad all is right with the world, after all, and we'll hope the same for Wall St.
PS Seeing the current Post reminds me that there was promise of up-to-date reports of some other tomatoes. Wonder if that green tomato ever ripened?
I read this entire post thinking that Ben had written it...and wondering why in the world he had planted tomatoes on his roof.
It makes a lot more sense now.
i still don't know why the tomatoes were on the roof. maybe it would make more sense if i saw the apartment
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