Here are some photos of the process.
1 - Cutting out the center of the damaged floor boards so I can remove them individually.
2 - A clean opening.
3 - There were three damaged boards together, so I took them all out.
4 - Nailing in the replacement floor boards.
5 - Almost good as new. Just needs to be sanded, along with the rest of the floor, and poly'ed.
There are bigger gaps between some of the boards than I'd like, but I think it will all blend together a little when it's finished. I was a little bothered by them at first, but then I started noticing gaps between boards all over the floor, and I didn't want to show up the previous high-quality workmanship.
it's the most beautiful floor I've ever seen : )Besides, without cracks in the floor, where are you supposed to sweep the dirt?
WAIT! why am I not a discriminating reader?
You can save some of the sanding dust when you sand down the floor and mix it with yellow (carpenters) glue to fill the cracks before the final sanding. The fill should match perfectly. If you want to 'showcase' the cracks, you can just mix up some black (or other contrasting color) tinted epoxy and fill the cracks with that.
Thanks for the filling tip, Steve. I probably will try to fill some of the bigger ones. Maybe all of them.
And, Lisa, I'm glad you finally noticed that tag. I've been adding it occasionally to my posts. Just wanted to see how long it took you to catch on.
I have been wondering about that floor, glad to see you getting after it. When you get that done, come on over to help me finish off my garage door opening
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