I don't have the new bike yet, though I would have loved to post a picture. Being a shrewd blogger, I know that photo posts attract the most readers. Here then are two bike-related pictures that I've been meaning to post. The first is from 1992. The second, 2007. Fifteen years and the bike has come full circle again. Lest Ben think it was abused during the years outside his care, I'd like to remind him that the bike received a comprehensive tune-up around the Christmas of 2002.

This is like those pictures where you're supposed to find ten things different in the second picture from the first picture. to be quite honest, they look exactly the same to me
I take that back. In the first picture, Ben is wearing the ugliest coat known to mankind
I kind of like that coat; in fact, I think it's still hanging around the house, or in a box! Ben still has a lot of hair! So...do you have this bike, David? I thought you had one from Gus Barkett. Is the one pictured the infamous Christmas bike where that's all you got, and then couldn't even ride it, because of the time of year? Alas, an old and deeply embedded grudge has resurfaced, perhaps? Thanks for the post...neat pictures!
The question is- when is Ben due for a tune up?
Hey! Is this trick photography or what? That's clearly not the same bike. The bottom bike has its chain on the opposite side and the decals are reversed. I suppose you'll explain that they painstakingly removed the decals during servicing and applied them backwards? Not only that, I think the bottom Ben is a phony, too. Since when does he part his hair on the right? Still, you had me for a minute.
Your right Steve, something is wrong about that picture, but I don't know what. And Lisa, I agree with you on that coat, if I find it hanging around the house, I'll burn it.
It certainly does seem that some trick photography has been employed here. Good eye, Steve. I'm not sure who that old man in the bottom photo is, and why he's holding a dirtier, broken-down version of my old mountain bike. It seems that someone's Photoshop skills have gotten a little out of control.
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