With less than a month to go before baby Barnhart comes and with the recent flurry of house project posts, I thought it was a fine time to kick it into high gear and get our living room and dining room floor finished up.

The hardwood floor has been living in various stacks ever since we tore it up and painstakingly removed the nails (thanks Rachel and Paul!). The floor has lived on saw-horses under a tarp, in the car tent, in the front porch, and most recently in the garage. It's been in the process of getting cleaned up for about 5 years now. After removing the most obvious defects, we ran the flooring through a planer, hand-scraped all the joints, checked for nails, trimmed the ends, and ran it through the planer once again.

It doesn't take long for planer shavings to fill up the shop vac. Somehow, it still had suction.

Rachel helped run wood through the planer - I shoved it in, she grabbed it and stacked it. We had 2-4 pieces running through at all times and it took a little over an hour for the final planing.

The wood is planed, trimmed and neatly bundled. Within a week it should be acclimated to the house humidity and we'll start nailing it down. More photos to come.

Here's a photo of Rachel with our recently trimmed-out kitchen window. Part of the flooring project will be to clean up our old trim and finish up the living room/ dining room.
Wow that looks great Steve! I think you and Ben are in competition for who is going to get their house done first. Of course you have much more help with Ella and Elisabeth swinging hammers now.
I logged on to post about my latest home improvements, but it didn't involve any planing of wood or tearing down of walls...I think I'll just wait a while until people have forgotten what you over achievers posted about.
By the way Steve, your newest addition looks ready to be on the outside of Rachel's tummy...be prepared.
Um, I'd like to know what home improvements Janell was going to post about...I must have missed her putting in a new bath tub or something.
One more thing. I think it's time for a new filter for that Shop Vac. I recommend the Cleanstream ones. It'll last forever.
Yikes!!! Looks like an awful lot of remodeling activity going on up north. I think I'll make arrangements to have the little girls shipped down here, next month.
That flooring looks amazing, Steve and Rachel! I hope it goes back in as easily as it came out. I can't wait to see the pictures once you start laying it down.
Ben - I'm hoping the flooring goes in much easier than it came out (not that I, personally, worked very hard to get it out).
Andy - Just picked up a Cleanstream filter and I'm anxious to try it out.
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