As the winter months are upon us and with that the season of Christmas and with that my right hand's nubs' bar-mitzvah, I would like to draw any and all interested parties' attention to this article I happened to stumble upon which defends my actions with a said snowblower on December the 22, 2008.

Click Here If You Are Super Interested In This Interesting Link

Click Here If You Are Super Interested In This Interesting Link
I'm with you Daniel. I thought snowblowers were like huge projectile vacuums.
Also, I've never seen three happier nubs. Ozzie is jealous. (of the cuteness, not that he wants his own nubs. That would be weird)
Thanks for the reminder, Daniel. I think I'll go look for a way to add a safety shut-down to my 60's vintage Ariens. It has been known to eat broom handles. The nubs could only be handsomer if they each had a little toque to keep warm.
It seems to me that the ol' snowblower probably has "neither a deadman's control nor an m-wire." Is the middle nub singing a song. Maybe "We Three Kings"?
Don't worry about the controls on the old snowblowr now. It's no longer with us. It got sent up the river after it was convicted of the Michigan Snowblower Massacre.
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