Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Kids are Cute in Glasses

With brand new baby Hazel celebrating her first Christmas in less than a week, the Hancock Barnharts are starting to get excited. We just can't wait to see her and her proud parents. The girls are excited most of all (what with Peter being ambivalent to all things not directly related to food and stacking blocks).

But knowing how things work, Rachel and I have been trying to prepare Ella and Elisabeth for what will inevitably be a disproportionate amount of attention given to Hazel. And lest they injure themselves trying to get back into the limelight, we've been working on ways to cutify them. I have it on good authority that eyeglasses automatically boost the cute factor for kids, so here you go -

I don't have a photo of Peter in glasses - he's still ok, since he's been working up some routines lately. Besides, he would have destroyed my glasses.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Penguin Christmas!

Once upon a Christmas tree, in Caro, somewhere east,
There landed little penguins; quite a few, at least.

Looking for a special friend, who'd love them very much,
And let them play upon her tree, frolicking and such.

They found their special friend, indeed, very kind and sweet;
Living in an old house, at 145 W. Grant Street!

And so upon her tree they lit, hiding here and there,
Frolicking and dancing, without a single care!

Reminding us to lighten up, and frolick now and then,
During this blessed season, with family and our friends.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Now for a little color...

The kitchen countertops, now with 100% more tile backsplash!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

I hope you can feel the drywall dust under your fingernails

For those of you who haven't sanded drywall in a while (or ever), I just want to post a few pictures to remind you of how pleasant an experience it can be.

Steve/Rachel, Andy/Janell: feel free to use this picture to scare your children. Or embellish your bedtime stories about the dangers of breathing drywall dust.

Pictures of painted walls to come soon!! (once I've painted them, I mean.)