Once upon a Christmas tree, in Caro, somewhere east,
There landed little penguins; quite a few, at least.
Looking for a special friend, who'd love them very much,
And let them play upon her tree, frolicking and such.
They found their special friend, indeed, very kind and sweet;
Living in an old house, at 145 W. Grant Street!
And so upon her tree they lit, hiding here and there,
Frolicking and dancing, without a single care!
Reminding us to lighten up, and frolick now and then,
During this blessed season, with family and our friends.
well done, mother! Each time you write another poem you outdo yourself :)
very nice! we're gonna have to publish all these someday in "Mom's Book of Poetry"
Hmmm. I wrote a poem today, but it's not quite as good. Or as Christmasy. Nice work, Mom.
And, Lisa, I've got a little Christmas penguin gift for you. You'll have to wait till Christmas Eve...
oh boy!!!
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