Imagine the surprise when Bat Dog arrived at the McCann house, to recruit Ozzie to his team of Miniature Pinschers he is assembling to rescue oppressed Min Pins everywhere, as seen in the picture below.

No amount of negotiations or dogma could move Ozzie from his devotion to the McCann family, believing it his life purpose to now protect not only Andy and Janell, but also little Hazel. He sat proud and high to defend his little family!

I hope Bat Dog never visits my house. I'd be scared to death if I woke up and found that hovering over my bed.
I'm glad Ozzie made the right choice and stayed to teach Hazel about the joy of sitting on people's laps and how to walk through the snow with shaky legs.
Ozzie is the real super hero. You should get him a dog sweater with a big red "O" on the front and blue tights.
Ha! I just noticed the "dogma" in the 2nd paragraph. Nice pun, Mom!
Does Bat Dog perform human rescues? I have been living under the oppression of a menacing Chihuahua for far too long. Come save me, Bat Dog!
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