Daniel had to grow his hair out when he was in
Fiddler on the Roof. Ever since then, he has expressed his interest in continuing to grow his hair out, often stating, "I just want to be able to put my hair in a ponytail". Well Daniel, your day has come.

Each ponytail makes Daniel exponentially more intelligent, giving him the ability to read several books simultaneously
I don't know this person
I guess Daniel could easily slip into the Witness Protection Program if he needed to. You know, for when he finally turns state's witness on Twila and has to go undercover to keep from having his knees broken by Nicki and her band of wily thug-dogs.
Where's Frank Sodini?
Daniel, I might advise you do not share these photos with your Wheaton Football comrades.
Why, don't they make helmets for ponytails?
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