I would like for you to meet some turkies:
These are but a few of the turkies that I see on my way to work each day. They stand around on the side of the road and lurk at me from the tall grass. This time of the year, they move in packs. Large turkey gangs. These are young turkies, and they are particularly brazen. This pack spilled over into the road and slowly poked around on the pavement. I and a couple other cars actually had to come to a complete stop in front of them while they considered their options and began shuffling off the road.
Turkies are also excessively weak-willed in their intentions, or else stupid. Just as it begins to dawn on some of their comrades that the road is no good and really needs to be avoided, new turkies begin mindlessly sauntering back out onto the pavement to see what all the excitement was about.
This turkey got too close to the car.