Here's a picture of the landscaping bed in front of my house. It's pretty overgrown with lily of the valley and a bunch of annoying weeds that grow through the bed of rocks.

Here's the same bed after I removed all the plants, weeds, landscaping blocks, and a whole mess of flagstones that were hiding in there.

Now with 100% more plants! There's a variety of things here, which should blossom over the course of the summer and fall—ideally there's some color blooming at all times (though I think it's going to be hard to expect that in the winter). In the midst of everything on the left (kind of hard to see here) is a red elderberry, which will grow big white blossoms of flowers in the summer, followed by clusters of tart, red berries in the fall. I'm really excited to see this grow into a bigger plant—it should get close to 6 feet tall and fill out quite a bit. With any luck it'll hide the house.

And, lastly, the garden with mulch and flagstones laid out so you can walk into it without crushing the plants or the dirt bed.
Beautiful! Although I think if you had tried just a little harder you would have been able to find a perennial that flowers in winter. Ask Grandma Barnhart, she usually has lots of those flowers....
P.S. To whoever changed the layout: I like it : )
Thanks, Lisa. Yeah, I'll look around for some of those flowers you stick into that green water-retaining foam. Maybe they'll even trick a couple bumblebees into wintering over.
And thanks for the compliments on the blog layout. I just noticed that they'd added a bunch of new design options and decided to try some out. I think we should get somebody new to redesign the blog every month. Or maybe we should just concentrate on writing posts.
looks good Ben.
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