Those of you who've visited me at any point over the last 2 years know I've been putting some long, hard thinking into what color to paint my living room. I picked out some samples and painted a swipe or two on the wall. Then picked out some more samples, and some more, and so on. This is what I was living with for awhile.

One of my friends decided the paint sample splotch was actually a flag for the Nation of Barnhart, which I quite liked. But this past Thanksgiving I finally chose a color. A whole new color! Not even one of the samples! I'm pretty pleased with the way it all turned out, and here are some photos of the living room along the way.

You can't really see it here, but I've just finished painting the ceiling.

I painted a coat of primer on the walls—after washing them. Mom, you'll be ashamed to hear that was the first time I'd washed these walls since I moved in 3 years ago!

Once I had clean, white walls again, I couldn't resist the temptation to paint a few more samples. The bottom color (which is the color I decided to go with in the end) is a 65% tint of the color above it.

And here's the final coat.

And a nighttime picture of the Christmas tree. I knew Lisa would have thrown a fit if I hadn't included this one.
Very nice, I plan to do the same to the kitchen as my contibution to the Barnhart Family Christmas gift
What a pleasant surprise. I was just bemoaning the lack of posts - glad you were willing to sacrifice and finally paint your walls to appease the blog gods.
It looks really nice too (the paint job, not the post). Just add some brown curtains and it'll look just like the McCann's. And a pretty little bookshelf to boot.
What's your plan for trim? I'd recommend having some baseboard milled and then store it in your basement for a few years while you think about finishing it. It has worked for me.
I'm looking forward to seeing the new ceiling and walls, Dad. Maybe you could let Nicki and Twila dip their paws in the paint and "walk" across the new ceiling.
And, Steve, I like your suggestion about trim. I actually have the old baseboard trim in the garage. It's a ranch-style I'm not especially fond of, but I might bring it back in until I replace the windows/doors and their casings.
I was just working myself into a major fit until I saw the Christmas tree picture. Thank you for sparing my co-workers from seeing a Lisa tantrum
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