Tuesday, July 01, 2014

King of the school returns to rule!

Let it be known that on this day, July 1st 2014, Reeths-Puffer High School gained a new chemistry teacher. Karl has officially been offered the position to teach honors chemistry and AP chemistry, and we couldn't be more excited! I've been grinning from ear to ear since I heard the news. We'll probably start to transition back to Muskegon in August. I'm hoping to keep working at my various jobs through the end of August, but then we'll be living the easy life with Dad (Dad, you still cook breakfast every morning, right?) We're hoping that by living at home for a few months, we'll be able to save money quickly for a house.

When I thought about creating this post, I envisioned posting a picture of Karl with the high school in the background. In lieu of an actual photograph, the very talented Catherine Wilkinson has rendered a comic depicting the interview. Karl can vouch for the accuracy.


Mom said...

Hilarious! I'd like to know if the pictures in the background have any significance? Just don't let the veteran teachers see your post title, or they may seek to show Karl a thing or two about who rules! Hearty congratulations, Karl & Lisa! So tickled for you:) Looks like the hiring person, in the cartoon, is too!

Mike said...

Alright another two incomes to add to my household budget, I'm quitting my job and living off the fat of the land!

Janell said...

Well it's clear that Karl has found his calling (congratulations!!) and now I think it's time for Katherine to admit her true calling - WRITING ALL THE COMICS!!

Can't wait to have a big old Barnhart-Ziemelis-McCann circus the next time we visit! :)

Lisa said...

Dad, you're forgetting the cats! Even though they're going to stay at Paula and Ray's, they want to contribute too. Just to show their appreciation for your love and support of the cat community. They've got a pretty steady brownie business that they conduct out of their litter boxes.

Janell, I will contact said artist and relay your words of praise. I can't guarantee that she will respond. You know how these artists can be once they realize people appreciate their work.

Ben said...

Hmm, I'd like to see the "You're Fired!" version of this comic when I just happen to "accidentally" leak this to the superintendent for the Reeths-Puffer School District.

But if I could receive a steady shipment of some of those delicious cat-brownies, Lisa, I just may hold off on my dastardly scheme. For at least a few months...

[seriously, congratulations, Lisa and Karl. glad to hear Karl will be training a young generation in the production of meth and other illicit substances.]