Saturday, July 08, 2023

Daniel and Carson’s New German Home!



Mom said...

That looks like a pretty nice home, Daniel! Not huge or fancy, but very nice and certainly adequate. And I like the setting. It appears like a suburban setting, and pleasant. The house gives you a good amount of space and lots of storage areas. I'm pleased to be able to see where you and Carson are living, and look forward to your personal belongings arriving so you two can settle better and make your German house your own comfortable home. Thank you for the tour!

Mike said...

Looks good Daniel, keep posting stuff and then I won't have to fly over there to see everything. I was impressed by the theme music to your video in the beginning it made moving to Germany seem so easy. I don't remember any of my moves having music playing in the background, maybe that is reserved for doctors. Anyway, looks very habitable and I hope your household belongings arrive soon- it would help if someone in Hawaii would ship them off the island.