Anything and everything Barnhart. If you're a Barnhart, know a Barnhart, knew a Barnhart, heard of a Barnhart, married a Barnhart, or smelt a Barnhart this is the place for you.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
As I was getting ready for work this morning, I found myself remembering little flashes of a dream my brain had conjured the night before and the more I remembered, the more I liked it. What follows is my attempt to recount a pleasant little dream as well as pay a small tribute to one beloved children's author:
It all happened on Central Road at the Grandma's house. David and I were outside, and we were both pretty young, probably still in grade school. I remember seeing Daniel sitting over in the bushes by the part of the driveway we always parked in. He seemed to be about 1 year old, and was of course wearing only a diaper. I think he was playing with a squirrel, who seemed strangely unafraid to let Daniel pet and feed him.
Meanwhile, David and I were chopping up a tree. I'm not sure why we were being allowed to use an axe by ourselves, but I imagine it was because everyone else was just out frolicking in the woods in boisterous go-carts or unruly cars. Anyway, David challenged me to a contest of "who can throw their block of wood the highest." I readily accepted. We proceeded to launch our newly chopped wood high in the air, (granny style became our method of choice) well beyond the top of the tire swing tree. Each piece soared progressively higher, until eventually we would lose sight of them momentarily and wonder where they were going to land.
Now if you'll remember, Grandma always had an assortment of little pools around the yard, usually filled with what may have once been water with a few other things floating around. Unless they had just been filled that day, these were usually to be feared and avoided, in fact, better to walk in a wide arc around them so as to avoid any chance that your brother may reach in and splash you as you walk innocently past it. True to form, Grandma had a little plastic kiddie pool in her yard, but untrue to form, it was filled with clean, clear water. Also untrue to form or any kind of reality for that matter, there was an orange Dr. Seuss fish in the pool. On my fourth or fifth launch, my piece of wood reappeared directly over the kiddie pool. David and I watched as it came back down from the sky and landed right on the ledge of the pool, tipping it over and sending a sploosh of water over the grass.
The fish landed on the ground next to the pool, and after lying on his side for a moment, flipped up onto his tail placed his fins on his hips. (yes, he did have hips. He was a Dr. Seuss fish!) He threw me a condescending glance and then flopped back down on his belly and deftly propelled himself across the yard with his fins. Really surprisingly agile for a fish. He went and layed in the shade next to the tool shed, in the plastic flower bed. Meanwhile, I ran into the house, shouting to David that we had to find a big container to put some water in for the fish. I don't know why they pool wouldn't have worked, but for some reason it didn't.
David came into the kitchen as I was ransacking all the cupboards for a large bowl to fill with water. He looked at me for a moment, seemingly perplexed, then finally said, "You know, there are lots of fish who need water. If we're going to do it for him, we should probably do it for all of them." I had just finished filling a large bowl (I think one of the white ones we use for popcorn) with water, and was carrying it outside as David said this. He took the bowl over to the fish, who was quite ungrateful and disgruntled, and placed him inside. As he did this, I looked around. To my amazement, there were several Dr. Seuss fish, just lying on their sides in various places around the yard. None of them looked unhappy, just bored. Like they were waiting for something to happen, and they had been waiting for a long time. And then I woke up.
I imagine that in dream world, David and I are still filling up bowls of water for all the fish, maybe even some empty 2-liters for the smaller ones.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Falling gas prices to follow!
Just in time for the summer driving season, I have devised an ingenious plan to get low gas prices for me and the rest of the world, just don't let the little secret out of the bag OK? If you want to see how this will all happen, just check out my latest "news story" at Once this is picked up by other bloggers and major news outlets, we will be paying pennies a gallon to fill up our vehicles for summer road trips. But, I think you should not depend on this story to carry us through the whole year, by fall they may have determined it was all a hoax and the prices will streak back up to record levels. But maybe by then I will have come up with another plan to fix it again. I awaite comments of deep gratitude snd contratulations for pulling off such a feat.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Mobility Achieved!
Well, the day has finally arrived (yesterday). Ella has learned to propel herself in the forward direction under her own power. This means (to her parents) a few things, including: much less free time (more time directly supervising the munchkin), less freedom to leave things piled on the floor (or see them either be consumed completely or gnawed and drooled on), more work to be completed quickly on the project house (a new actual floor in the living room and dining room would be useful) and just in general more FUN!
We're actually pretty excited that Ella has made this advancement in her development - it means she's growing up as she should. Granted, this crawling is relatively slow and somewhat short-distance as she does the Army belly crawl rather than the up on all fours crawling on hands and knees. I have a feeling that won't be far away.
This post has taken a much longer time than usual to get written. I continue to be required to go and get Ella from places she shouldn't be (right behind the door chewing on her high chair seat, pulling on the garbage can, etc.) Sorry there are no photos to document this exciting achievement, you just have to take my word for it. And I don't think a photo would really do justice to the actual movement she makes. It would definitely require a video (which I still need to do - this is very new) and I am definitely not that technologically-savvy to be able to upload/download (whatever it is) a video. I'm not even sure how to put the videos from the video camera on the computer. That falls into Steve's category.
Ella calls.
We're actually pretty excited that Ella has made this advancement in her development - it means she's growing up as she should. Granted, this crawling is relatively slow and somewhat short-distance as she does the Army belly crawl rather than the up on all fours crawling on hands and knees. I have a feeling that won't be far away.
This post has taken a much longer time than usual to get written. I continue to be required to go and get Ella from places she shouldn't be (right behind the door chewing on her high chair seat, pulling on the garbage can, etc.) Sorry there are no photos to document this exciting achievement, you just have to take my word for it. And I don't think a photo would really do justice to the actual movement she makes. It would definitely require a video (which I still need to do - this is very new) and I am definitely not that technologically-savvy to be able to upload/download (whatever it is) a video. I'm not even sure how to put the videos from the video camera on the computer. That falls into Steve's category.
Ella calls.
Friday, May 19, 2006
As a sidenote here, I would like to mention that this is the fourth time I've written and published this post. The first time was this morning, but I couldn't get the pictures right, so I did it again with dad's help. However, he informed me that when uploading pictures, it's best not to already have the entry written. The other three times are because I keep publishing it and realizing that it didn't turn out right. All this to say, after all the hard work I've put into this post, you better enjoy it immensly.
With the help of David last night, I'm finally able to post on this thing. Apparently I was always able to do so, but this ability was hindered by the fact that I deleted a certain necessary email.
I would like to invite you all to check out my blog as it no longer remains dormant. And now if you'll excuse me, I have hairs to be cut.

With the help of David last night, I'm finally able to post on this thing. Apparently I was always able to do so, but this ability was hindered by the fact that I deleted a certain necessary email.
I would like to invite you all to check out my blog as it no longer remains dormant. And now if you'll excuse me, I have hairs to be cut.


Saturday, May 13, 2006
We Can All Thank David!
As most of you know, the mean streets of Minneapolis claimed my iBook (and assorted accessories) two weeks ago tonight, taking away the greatest American novel (only about two weeks away from completion), enough music to last fourteen days, seven hours, and thirty-four minutes (found that out the hard way), detailed accounting records (with only minor reported earnings inflation), and the all-time record for Super Mario All-Stars "The Lost Levels" (you'll have to take my word on that one).
So in the two weeks since losing the iBook, I've gradually resigned myself to the fact that all this data was gone, the writing and pictures being the pieces impossible to duplicate. And of those two, I think I was saddest to lose the pictures.
Last night, then, when
I realized I had a recent (September 2005) backup of my pictures and writing you can only begin to imagine how happy I was that David had brought along his DVD drive and convinced me to make a copy of the stuff on my computer. There are, of course, some things I've done since September that are irretrievable, but that DVD had a lot of stuff on it. Including what may be my favorite picture of all time. It seemed only appropriate to share this post-birthday pic at this time of year. And, Lisa, if you think this looks funny, I could post a few of you. Oh yeah, you know what I'm talking about.
Edit: It seemed a little mean-spirited to repay David's kindness with a photo as unflattering as that last one. So I'll give you all the "before" to what was most certainly an "after" pic. There's also more than a sixteenth of Daniel in this one. And, Vicky, just in case you read this too, licking the frosting off the bottom of the candle is a prized honor, similar, perhaps, to achieving knighthood or the legion d'honneur.
So in the two weeks since losing the iBook, I've gradually resigned myself to the fact that all this data was gone, the writing and pictures being the pieces impossible to duplicate. And of those two, I think I was saddest to lose the pictures.
Last night, then, when

Edit: It seemed a little mean-spirited to repay David's kindness with a photo as unflattering as that last one. So I'll give you all the "before" to what was most certainly an "after" pic. There's also more than a sixteenth of Daniel in this one. And, Vicky, just in case you read this too, licking the frosting off the bottom of the candle is a prized honor, similar, perhaps, to achieving knighthood or the legion d'honneur.
The post to bring our interactive blog to a new level (and to bring us all home, eventually)
We need to figure out, once and for all, when everyone can make it back home to celebrate my birthday (and Daniel's and Lisa's and Mother's Day). I know everyone has talked to someone about this, but we need to all get on the same page ( here. Hence, I'm listing everyone's name. Edit this post, and next to your name, list the weeks/days that would work best for returning home.
Daniel: (when is Lake Ann?, how about Band Camp? Put those dates in here)
Lisa: (when is your trip to New York? How about Band Camp?)
David: all summer
Janell and Andy: The weekend of June 24th works best for Andy and I, but we could probably do the July weekend if it worked better for everyone else.
Steve and Rachel: we'd definitely be able to make it to Muskegon the weekend of the 24th of June (or the 1st of July) - but going along with the McCann posting, we'd definitely prefer the 24th of June weekend, and then head over to Detroit for Steve's work.
Ben and M.B.P. :My summer's pretty open, at least from mid-June on. I was tentatively planning to come home sometime later in June, whenever Steve and Rachel make it over to Muskegon from New Rock City. I think that's the weekend of June 24 or July 1. Either one looks good for me.
Also, we need to figure out what we want to celebrate. We have lots of things to celebrate, so are we going to have one huge party or lots of little ones? Lots of little ones means lots of cake. That's good. Furthermore, if someone winds up not being able to show up (hence ruining the festivities), one big party means one big pooper. I'd rather stay away from a big pooper. So, here is a list of the things to celebrate. Let's have some dialogue on how we should manage this all.
David's graduation:
David's birthday: Buy gift for Daniel
Daniel's birthday: Buy gift for Lisa
Lisa's birthday: Buy gift for David
David's one month graduatiton anniversary: Does anyone else think this is a bit excessive? I only think it's excessive that "graduation" is so horribly misspelled. Don't they teach Spelling 405 at Wheeton?
Mother's Day:
Daniel: (when is Lake Ann?, how about Band Camp? Put those dates in here)
Lisa: (when is your trip to New York? How about Band Camp?)
David: all summer
Janell and Andy: The weekend of June 24th works best for Andy and I, but we could probably do the July weekend if it worked better for everyone else.
Steve and Rachel: we'd definitely be able to make it to Muskegon the weekend of the 24th of June (or the 1st of July) - but going along with the McCann posting, we'd definitely prefer the 24th of June weekend, and then head over to Detroit for Steve's work.
Ben and M.B.P. :My summer's pretty open, at least from mid-June on. I was tentatively planning to come home sometime later in June, whenever Steve and Rachel make it over to Muskegon from New Rock City. I think that's the weekend of June 24 or July 1. Either one looks good for me.
Also, we need to figure out what we want to celebrate. We have lots of things to celebrate, so are we going to have one huge party or lots of little ones? Lots of little ones means lots of cake. That's good. Furthermore, if someone winds up not being able to show up (hence ruining the festivities), one big party means one big pooper. I'd rather stay away from a big pooper. So, here is a list of the things to celebrate. Let's have some dialogue on how we should manage this all.
David's graduation:
David's birthday: Buy gift for Daniel
Daniel's birthday: Buy gift for Lisa
Lisa's birthday: Buy gift for David
David's one month graduatiton anniversary: Does anyone else think this is a bit excessive? I only think it's excessive that "graduation" is so horribly misspelled. Don't they teach Spelling 405 at Wheeton?
Mother's Day:
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Fletcher Gets a Bath
Ok. You may want to plug your nose before reading this. In fact, you may want to look for a HazMat suit because what I am about to describe to you has the potential to assault your olfactory senses beyond reasonable repair.
You will notice that Fletcher is getting a bath in these pictures. It is notable that this is his second bath in about six months and also his second bath this week. It is also notable that he is not getting his typical citronella flea and tick shampoo. No, he is getting the special treatment. We went all out and bought him all the fixins for a ten course V8 massage. That's right. Fletcher is getting a bath because he decided to play with a skunk.
We didn't see the skunk and we didn't have to. The smell would have alerted us if Fletcher's appearance hadn't. We were at a friend's house and Fletcher was doing the usual hunt-outside-for-spiders routine. After some time, Rachel called down to the basement inquiring what Fletcher might get into that would turn him yellow (that's right Lisa, skunks will turn you yellow). I offered a hopeful solution that he had been rollicking in dandelions and I was starting to convince myself of this until I hit the wall of stench that is unmistakably skunk. Actually, that was the only time I smelled skunk. After I went outside to check on the cowering yellow Fletcher, my nose went into hyperspace. I took a whiff and realized that I had never really smelled a skunk before.
Fletcher's special treatment started with a ride home in the back of the pic
kup. It would've been fun for him except that it was so cold out. He also didn't appreciate being stuffed in a borrowed cat kennel and covered with an old blanket to keep him warm. He was a desperate, stinky dog when we got home. We bought eight big cans of tomato juice on the way home. I only used one can in the end, but that was enough to bath him seven times plus a regular shampoo, another three V8 baths, and a final shampoo. He still smells a little. I am glad that he didn't get it directly in the face and I'm pretty sure he is too. I'd like to say that he has learned his lesson, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't even know what happened.
I don't think the other seven cans of tomato juice will be consumed for a good while. Rachel doesn't like it and I can only stomach a 6oz glass every few months (and that was before I rubbed down a cold, skunky dog with it ten times).

For those of you who didn't feel like reading about skunks and decided to skip to the good part, I've included a picture of Ella. You will have to guess what she is doing in this picture, but I'll give you a hint. She is either

We didn't see the skunk and we didn't have to. The smell would have alerted us if Fletcher's appearance hadn't. We were at a friend's house and Fletcher was doing the usual hunt-outside-for-spiders routine. After some time, Rachel called down to the basement inquiring what Fletcher might get into that would turn him yellow (that's right Lisa, skunks will turn you yellow). I offered a hopeful solution that he had been rollicking in dandelions and I was starting to convince myself of this until I hit the wall of stench that is unmistakably skunk. Actually, that was the only time I smelled skunk. After I went outside to check on the cowering yellow Fletcher, my nose went into hyperspace. I took a whiff and realized that I had never really smelled a skunk before.
Fletcher's special treatment started with a ride home in the back of the pic

I don't think the other seven cans of tomato juice will be consumed for a good while. Rachel doesn't like it and I can only stomach a 6oz glass every few months (and that was before I rubbed down a cold, skunky dog with it ten times).

For those of you who didn't feel like reading about skunks and decided to skip to the good part, I've included a picture of Ella. You will have to guess what she is doing in this picture, but I'll give you a hint. She is either
- Pulling off her sock with the most contemplation she can muster
- Showing her disgusted unbelief that Fletcher would play with a skunk and not invite her to join in the fun
- Trying to decide what a blog is and why Fletcher's picture is worthy of posting.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Happy David's Birthday Day!
It only happens once a year so you'd better enjoy it while it lasts. Yes, that's right. It's Happy David's Birthday Day. Of course there's only a few minutes left, so you'd better do what you can to celebrate and I mean now!
To kick off the celebration, I will share with the world my magnanimous gift to David on this day. It should be noted that it's only a coincidence that I give this gift to David on Happy David's Birthday Day. In practice, anyone could be given a gift on this once-a-year phenomenon. Well, heres the gift: 170065741625. Now what do you think of that? But wait - there's more. Follow this link and then enter that number as a reference:
Happy Birthday David, wherever you are! (can you pick up some Oberweis while you're there?)
To kick off the celebration, I will share with the world my magnanimous gift to David on this day. It should be noted that it's only a coincidence that I give this gift to David on Happy David's Birthday Day. In practice, anyone could be given a gift on this once-a-year phenomenon. Well, heres the gift: 170065741625. Now what do you think of that? But wait - there's more. Follow this link and then enter that number as a reference:
Happy Birthday David, wherever you are! (can you pick up some Oberweis while you're there?)
A cake ON his birthday!!!

Yes, thats right. David has connived himself into a birthday cake on the actual anniversary of his birth. Andy and I suffered through the cak

David was very fond of his cake...
...however, he was even more fond of it in his stomach.
Happy Birthday David! And Happy Graduation...we're proud of you.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Michigan Maplenut Crunch
What an absolutely wonderful name. I sit here, reading the very entertaining and amusing posts of the rest of the Barnhart clan (along with some McCanns), enjoying some Michigan Maplenut Crunch. What is that?, you say. Some very delicious coffee. My amazing husband made me a perfect cup of coffee along with some very tasty macadamia nut white chocolate chunk cookies to consume this evening as a treat - he even got the perfect amount of sugar (NO cream!) in the coffee. A very pleasant ending to a crazy busy day.
We'll post more about our busy-ness later, along with some photos. Just stay tuned.
We'll post more about our busy-ness later, along with some photos. Just stay tuned.
I am an orphan girl...
I've no mother
no father
no sisters
no brothers...
Just kidding, I have all of these, in abundance! I was just at a concert last night and this was part of the last song she sang. I just thought I'd see if I could trick you guys into thinking an imposter had hacked into our blog. Sneaky.
My intent in posting is actually not to trick or deceive, but rather to find truth. I desire pure knowledge, and I seek it from those whom I know have already attained great wisdom and understanding - yes, you, my dear family. My heart tells me that here, my deepest burning quest will soon come to an end. To all who are scattered among the lakes of Minnesota and the trees of northern Michigan:
When are you coming home?
What are we getting for all these people who are having special occasions like birthdays and "I survived six kids" days and "I'm not sure I'm still alive but I have a B.A." days?
I suggest s-p-e-l-l--i-n-g some things out if you'd like to keep them a secret from the you-know-who's. (King D and DJ Bacon)
no father
no sisters
no brothers...
Just kidding, I have all of these, in abundance! I was just at a concert last night and this was part of the last song she sang. I just thought I'd see if I could trick you guys into thinking an imposter had hacked into our blog. Sneaky.
My intent in posting is actually not to trick or deceive, but rather to find truth. I desire pure knowledge, and I seek it from those whom I know have already attained great wisdom and understanding - yes, you, my dear family. My heart tells me that here, my deepest burning quest will soon come to an end. To all who are scattered among the lakes of Minnesota and the trees of northern Michigan:
When are you coming home?
What are we getting for all these people who are having special occasions like birthdays and "I survived six kids" days and "I'm not sure I'm still alive but I have a B.A." days?
I suggest s-p-e-l-l--i-n-g some things out if you'd like to keep them a secret from the you-know-who's. (King D and DJ Bacon)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The Competition of the Gift Lists
I am a bit dismayed to see Dad's gift list already posted. It's not that I want to withhold all these good things from Dad, it's just that I'm afraid his gift list will distract attention to my much more urgent list. Afterall, Dad's birthday isn't next Monday, but somebody else's is. Yes, that's right. It's the birthday of Victory in Europe. So, better get those cards in the mail now if they're going to make it over the ocean in time.
Taking my cues from Andy's list, you will find some links and prices to expedite the gift-buying:
Music CD: $11
mBox (for recording onto Pro Tools): $200-$300 (I think my boss from here at school will sell me his)
Joy Division CD: $6 used
Medium white t-shirts
White socks
Gift certificate to Valueland
Taking my cues from Andy's list, you will find some links and prices to expedite the gift-buying:
Music CD: $11
mBox (for recording onto Pro Tools): $200-$300 (I think my boss from here at school will sell me his)
Joy Division CD: $6 used
Medium white t-shirts
White socks
Gift certificate to Valueland
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
My Gift List updated on 11-9-06
Below is my original gift list and is still in brand new condition, except for the fact that I obtained items 1 and 10 it has never been used. So I convieniently removed items 1 and 10 and resubmit it for your buying pleasure.
I think Andy's idea of a gift list is a good one. You just never know when people are wanting to shower you with gifts, and it is rude to not have gift ideas readily available. I must admit that I haven't bothered to look at Andy's list yet- just too busy, but I hope everyone studies mine closely and takes notes if necessary. Last year I put out some really wild and expensive ideas, this year I will try to be more practical. Perhaps this will prove to be a more effective list.
2 Repair Manual for my MG Midget, I think it is a 1972
3 Repair Manual for my Ski-doo, it is a 1986 Safari 377
4 Leather or cotton work gloves, not expensive ones
5 New wallet
6 Garden hose
7 Speedometer for my bike
8 Mole trap to get rid of mole in yard
9 Adapter to play CD's in my car cassette player
I will keep adding to this as I think of more things. And just to absolve my guilt I will look at Andy's list right now.
I think Andy's idea of a gift list is a good one. You just never know when people are wanting to shower you with gifts, and it is rude to not have gift ideas readily available. I must admit that I haven't bothered to look at Andy's list yet- just too busy, but I hope everyone studies mine closely and takes notes if necessary. Last year I put out some really wild and expensive ideas, this year I will try to be more practical. Perhaps this will prove to be a more effective list.
2 Repair Manual for my MG Midget, I think it is a 1972
3 Repair Manual for my Ski-doo, it is a 1986 Safari 377
4 Leather or cotton work gloves, not expensive ones
5 New wallet
6 Garden hose
7 Speedometer for my bike
8 Mole trap to get rid of mole in yard
9 Adapter to play CD's in my car cassette player
I will keep adding to this as I think of more things. And just to absolve my guilt I will look at Andy's list right now.

I had a little free time this Sunday afternoon, so I decided to go get the photo of Fermi Labs' particle accelerator that David failed to take. I didn't know how I would get the photo at first, but when I realized that Rachel has solo flight experience I figured it wouldn't be much harder to fly with somone hanging off the running gear with a camera. Ella was my spotter. By the way, it was the stress of this flight that caused Ella to request the comfort of an ultra-plush rocking chair at the Muskegon homestead. David - if you want to go in half on the plane rental and fuel, I'll put your name on this too.
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