As most of you know, the mean streets of Minneapolis claimed my iBook (and assorted accessories) two weeks ago tonight, taking away the greatest American novel (only about two weeks away from completion), enough music to last fourteen days, seven hours, and thirty-four minutes (found that out the hard way), detailed accounting records (with only minor reported earnings inflation), and the all-time record for Super Mario All-Stars "The Lost Levels" (you'll have to take my word on that one).
So in the two weeks since losing the iBook, I've gradually resigned myself to the fact that all this data was gone, the writing and pictures being the pieces impossible to duplicate. And of those two, I think I was saddest to lose the pictures.
Last night, then, when

I realized I had a recent (September 2005) backup of my pictures and writing you can only begin to imagine how happy I was that David had brought along his DVD drive and convinced me to make a copy of the stuff on my computer. There are, of course, some things I've done since September that are irretrievable, but that DVD had a lot of stuff on it. Including what may be my favorite picture of all time. It seemed only appropriate to share this post-birthday pic at this time of year. And, Lisa, if you think this looks funny, I could post a few of you. Oh yeah, you know what I'm talking about.
Edit: It seemed a little mean-spirited to repay David's kindness with a photo as unflattering as that last one. So I'll give you all the "before" to what was most certainly an "after" pic. There's also more than a sixteenth of Daniel in this one. And, Vicky, just in case you read this too, licking the frosting off the bottom of the candle is a prized honor, similar, perhaps, to achieving knighthood or the legion d'honneur.
Ben, if this picture is also on your stolen computer, it brings me great joy to think of the horror it may have caused it's new owners when they came across it. If I didn't know the story behind it, I would personally be very worried about David.
And I like how the small percentage of Daniel that you can see in this picture is very calm and strangely unamused...yes, I can tell that much from seeing 1/16 of him!
Yet another picture of a Barnhart that leaves me scratching my head...
keep scratching, Andy. Actually, I bet that'd make a good picture. *Janell, try to snap one when he isn't looking.*
I agree, Janell. The possibility that this picture has frightened a poor thieving sap nearly mitigates my fear that said sap is currently tromping my Super Mario All-Stars record.
Is that my arm in the picture? I don't remember it posing for that shot.
Andy - thanks for being honest about total confusion regarding this photo. I, too, am quite unsure as to what is truly happening in this photo. It must be some inside Barnhart joke that they don't find important enough to share with their spouses, but funny enough to bring them all merriment. I tend to believe that we have married into a troubled family - the photographic evidence is somewhat astounding.
The Barnhart genes have already mixed in, though, with the great and powerful Gerard genes - gene therapy is no longer an option. But hopefully Ella will turn out okay - it's looking good so far.
What's all this talk about 1/16, eh?
We Barnhart full-bloods need to stand up for our heritage and birthday candle traditions. Candles, Frosting, Unite!
We all know the male passes on all the important genes to the child, the female just fills in the gaps, gene wise. So I am sure Ella is very superior in every way. However, Janell, have you considered adoption as an option?
In response to your "arm" question, I'll refer you all to I Corinthians 12:26 "If one part of the body suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."
And in one more piece of shameless self-promotion, I'd like to point out that this post has the most comments of any post on this blog. Take that, the Fletcher!
If the male passes on all of the important genes, I take pity on Steve - he must be extremely exhausted from daily overcoming his tendency to move in a backwards motion, rather than forward. It appears that Ella has the "backwards crawling" gene currently being implemented from her genetic code. If the "filling-in-the-gaps" genes come in soon, she should be headed forward. We'll keep you posted on that one.
Any baby can crawl forwards, it takes an Einstien baby to crawl backwards. She is probably doing it to test some part of the theory of relativity that she has been puzzling over in her crib.
Another comment refuted by a superior Barnhart mind.
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