In an
earlier post, I detailed the promising-yet-currently-dismal garden. This evening, mid-July, I'm back to announce that rain has taken its toll and the garden, successful beyond all our intentions, has even begun to invent all sorts of new vegetables that we didn't bother to plant. Few of them, unfortunately, are very tastey. And they happen to crowd out the vegetables that we intentionally planted. So, sadly, we had to let them go. But now that we've cleaned them out, the glory of the tomotoes and the cucumbers springs forth. For
those too lazy to click back to the old post from a month of two ago, I'm including the picture here for a side-by-side comparison.

Vegetable downsizing is the biggest problem our vegetables unions face today. Just because your "desired" plants are growing now, doesn't mean your operation is successful, Mr. CEO David.
"Garden of Eden discovered at 1208 W. Giles Rd!" This is the headline to soon appear on the National Inqiurer front page. The reported just interviewed Adam (David) Barnhart and will be sending the story to press soon. You can gloat that you read it first at Barnhartcentral before it hit the major tabloids.
David, I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy even to click the "I'm too lazy" link you provided in your post. Can you come over here an click it for me?
Whoa Ben, you need to get out from behind that desk and get some exercise. Is that the result of having Interns at Milkweed bring you coffee, and answer your phone calls all day long?
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