While the UP and frigid Minnesota are just beginning to throw off their annual glaciers, the

sunny Southern Michigan is busy bringing forth fruit of the bountiful Barnhart yard. Last week we planted

the garden, which promises a bumper crop of cucumbers this season. Also promising is the new irrigation system installed in the corner, cleverly hidden by one of the bushes. We buried a water line out to the garden and installed both a tap and a permenant sprinkler. Now we don't have to worry about the hoses messing up the lawnmower blades. Furthermore, the tap has come in quite handy for watering the apple trees, nearby.
Speaking of which, the apples are also come forth in great vigor this spring. All three apple trees finally have apples this year. Although the original apple tree (from a mail-order catalogue) is still lagging behind the other two in quantity of frui

t, it's still growing nicely and ha

s a healthy shean to the leaves. We've been watering the trees almost every day with a hose, and I'm starting to suspect that water is the key to growing large apples. It's only the beginning of June and look how big the apples already are! At this rate, they're going to be a fantastic meal for the squirrels come August.
Even though i live here and have seen the garden and tress with mine own two eyes, i;m taking pity on david by leaving him this comment. the trees and the garden look nice. and now i would like to redirect everyone's attention to the previous post. i would hate for anyone to have missed it. you know... i just don't want anyone to feel left out...
by the way, those deleted comments up there were not removed because of r-rated material. i accidentally posted my comment three times :-/
Wow, you guys have a regular orchard up there! I'm going to stop buying all fruits and produce and just have it directly shipped to me from the BBY. (Bountiful Barnhart Yard) By the way, I really like the idea of the UP and Minnesota "throwing off" the glaciers; it reminds me of the way we all used to pile our coats on Grandma's bed when we went over to her house - you just take it off and throw it on the pile. Haha - glaciers in a pile...ok, maybe thats only funny in my head.
Or maybe its a little more like suddenly deciding you don't like what you're wearing, and you immediately throw it off in disdain. And then you realize you've just thrown your clothes off without a thought of what you will wear instead, which can prove to be embarassing if you happen to be in a public place. Poor little naked Upper Peninsula.
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