Andy, Lexi, Lisa and I decided to go Shedd Aquarium on Saturday, to see what we could see. Here's a little sampling of our aquatic adventure. (I was too busy taking pictures to catch any names, so I have no idea what most of these are called. Sorry.)
Even though its a little blurry, you still catch the ferocious look of this shark. One of them swam straight at me opening and closing his mouth. I know that glass is thick, but I decided it was time to move to the next exhibit.

Here's a funny little turtle with what looked for all the world like a pig nose.

Ah, the moray. He had some sharp little teeth in there. And a very lumpy looking face. Actually I feel like one of the staff just stuck his arm in a tan sock and drew some eyes and a mouth on it, just to see if anyone would fall for it. I'd like to believe these don't really live anywhere...waiting for their next victim.

"Hey lady, you got any snacks in that purse?"

He kind of looked stuck, but not altogether unhappy about it. In fact, he made it look pretty comfortable to be wedged between two rocks.

Moral of the story: I'm glad I grew up swimming in fresh water.