I was thinking about posting my favorite birthday picture of David on the blog, but since it appeared several posts back I'll share this one: ol' Fart Finder on the job.
Happy twenty-third birthday, David. I hope the smeller finds the feller just as good as it once did.
Is that a pickture of David or Grandpa Schotts?
praise value land
What a hoot!!! It must have been working last night, as the Birthday Smeller Feller accused Daniel of a questionable gaseous process, and than got after him a number of times to wash his smelly and dirty legs (post soccer practice.) Great Post, Ben!
That's a great picture. I hope David got something comparable this birthday.
Does anyone know if they used one of these to track down the great Muskegon sewer leak of '07?
Please contact us, women are wild about noses like that. We will teach you how to dance, just bring the snoze.
The what?!!
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