Moles wreaking havoc on your lawn? Then you need MoleBusters!, Nikki and Twyla are the dynamic duo of mole extermination. For a nominal fee, they will root out any moles you may have in your lawn. As an added bonus, you can play war games in the trenches they leave behind. Just think, get an old WWI helmet, some fake mustard gas, and you could recreate your own Western Front. Forget paintball games, get rid of your moles and play real war games in your own yard. Call today for your quote 1-800-GET-DIRT
is this really how you spell Twyla's name?
It depends, I use a rather random spelling method and let the computer keys pick the correct name for the occasion. It allows for more flexability in typing and gives Twila choices for her name that she wouldn't get using strictly ridgid spelling methods.
It has become quite apparent that you use a rather random spelling method.....on a regular basis! But don't blame the computer keys!
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