Here's a photo of the bathroom pre-painting. The flaglike patches are some paint samples I was trying out.
And here's the room after I've cut in the new paint.
And here's the room after two coats of Kingston Aqua by Pittsburgh Paints. It's actually darker than I thought it would be, but I really like the color. And it goes well with the browns in the room, which is good because I'm not ready to renovate my bathroom yet (still working on that kitchen).
I thought the flaglike patches were rather artistic! Really like the green, and now I'm trying to remember the colors in Janell and Andy's bathroom. Yours may be close to theirs. Nice combination of colors, and it looks good!
your shower curtain looks very educational.
Actually, Lisa, it's just that Ben loves editing so much, he has decided to incorporate aspects of it into his home decorating! Or, maybe after hours of editing, that's what appears before his tired eyes!
Maybe you'd like to enter into a little bathroom contest, hm?
Actually I just checked our bathroom, and I'd like to back out of the contest. I've been very disappointed to find that our new bathroom gets dirty as quickly as our old one!
Looks good Ben. Now for that Kitchen....
By the way Janell, do you still have the "flexitub"? Is Andy going to patent that as a special design for people who want a softer gentler bottom in their tub?
I thought I could feel the floor of the tub moving under my feet, when showering there, but figured it was supposed to be that way. Isn't it? It wasn't a problem; just made me wonder if I was imagining it.
Thanks, everyone. Yes, that shower curtain is professionally required. Otherwise, I'd risk forgetting my letters while fancying myself up in front of the mirror.
Did you rehang the mirror? You know, the real classy one that said 'take a bath with someone you love'?
Whoa! What's this?
Maybe Ben will post a picture of the mirror - if it hasn't already made its way to the dump. It sounds more risque than it really is.
Dad - yes, we still have fun-flexi-tub in our bathroom...come to think of it this week is Andy's spring break. A great time for projects...thanks for the idea. :)
Ben - show us the mirror!
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